My First Super Villain Part 2

WTF, beloved reader, it seems your friendly neighbourhood Rogue Advisor actually has a nemesis. After the copyright vindication event from ‘My First Super Villain’, I continue to be harangued.

This is how yours truly depicts his nemesis.

This is how yours truly depicts his nemesis. Somewhat similar, but on differing paths of morality.

There is of course the possibility I have contracted a rare case of multiple Super Villains; whom may gang up on me Sinister Six style and give me a hard time of it like poor old Spidey.He seems to spend more time getting his ass kicked than kicking ass, then ends up running to the Fantastic Four for help. I feel for the web slinger, I really do, but I don’t want to spend a single day filling his shoes.

Weird thing is, shortly after the copyright incident Google warned me that my Gmail account had been hacked into, and bizarrely, the only messages this fiend messed with were all the entries for the ‘No Disintegrations’ competition. The saboteur deleted all of them, yet left untouched emails containing sensitive personal information bar the one below. That means, regrettably, that I will not be able to add the other 671 to the ‘Original Character Database’.

Any of my beloved reader’s creations that are not in the database will be added if you would be so kind as to resend them. Google assure me the Gmail account is now safe. It is also clear, that while my villain is trying to destroy L.U.F.A.S with filthy underhanded tactics, he is also trying to rob me!

Trying to steal from a real rogue!

The circled section, is what was stolen from me.

The circled section, is what was stolen from me. £310.50! The Gaul!


WTF Rogue Advisor!

Fear not, beloved reader, for every bullet this cad fires at me simply re-establishes my invulnerability to such poorly applied larceny

And thanks to the clue in the attempted theft, I won't have to go far for it.

And thanks to the clue in the attempted theft, I won’t have to go far for it.

All funds, thanks to my rather efficient and helpful bank staff, have been returned and a fraud investigation is on the hunt for my nemesis. I’m not too sure if I want them to catch him or not.

Mayhaps my own brand of vigilante justice will be the required vindication. Your friendly neighbourhood Rogue Advisor doesn’t mind getting red to the elbow bringing down villains.

In  his villainous arrogance, he left a damming clue; the money was taken by a company, that I assume my nemesis works for, (even Super Villains have day jobs, they need a lot of dough to cover the expense of all that ostentatious clothing and minion’s wages), in Southend-On-Sea, a vile and abhorrent seaside town, filled with cutthroats, bandits and hoodlums. Perfect territory for a villain to recruit like-minded evil doers.

This is what the abominable seaside town looks like. It has the longest pier in the world. Not that anyone gives 2 f**ks.

This is what the abominable seaside town looks like. It has the longest pier in the world. Not that anyone gives 2 f**ks.


so what’s your plan?

I have a good idea who is actually inconveniencing me, I won’t name them here, that’d give the game away, eh?

In the meanwhile, I will add my vision of my nemesis to the ‘Original Character Database’. Whoever they are, they earned it.

Until next time. Stay on your guard.


Army of Geekness

As you can see from the last post, self-indulgent as it was, the ‘Original Character DataBase’ has begun. It will take some time for me to catalogue all the awesome entries from the ‘No Disintegrations‘ competition, but the world should see these creative gems from around the globe.

L.U.F.A.S Y'all

L.U.F.A.S Y’all

Keep them coming in, beloved reader, the more the merrier

Email as many characters as you please, following the simple outlines in ‘No disintegrations’. All characters stored in the database will still be eligible for future competitions. They are created on a wonderful web site, the link:

Until next time. Keep Creating

OCDB: Larcen Yart

This awesome creation was the winner of the ‘No Disintegrations’ competition. Posting costs to Canada was more than the prizes value! Such is the current impoverished status of Level Up.

By: Hunter Tremblay, from Manitoba, Canada.

By: Hunter Tremblay, from Manitoba, Canada.

Powers and abilities: Larcen was born with ability to absorb and integrate any DNA, picking and choosing what he would like to add, sometimes using DNA coding to remove flaws in himself. This has allowed him to acquire a varied range of strange and unique powers.

This is accomplished by simply touching the living creature with the DNA he desires, but there is a drawback; sometimes he will take on physical characteristics of the creature from the new DNA, changing his appearance on a regular basis. Very useful in his trade as an intergalactic smuggler.

All his attributes have been improved through DNA remodelling, he has heightened senses of smell, vision, (he can now see in all spectrums of vision), and hearing, he changed his sense of touch to make his pain receptors less sensitive and his pleasure receptors more powerful. He increased his bone density to that of steel, and increased the range of his ligaments and tendons to be able to contort into very small spaces. He has boosted his metabolism to an astonishing rate, because of this he heals and recovers from diseases and viruses, (from which he can also utilise the DNA of), but must compensate by taking in a vast amount of calories. He has camouflage abilities, but they’re imperfect, he shimmers as he does. His DNA remodelling is not perfect. He does however have a perfect ‘Spidey sense’, that warns him of imminent danger. DNA remodelling has allowed him to breath in various environments, including underwater. He cannot absorb any knowledge with this power though.

Skills: He is a tech genius, but not with weaponry. He wears on his left hand a force field generator, it has 2 projection point to be able to project 2 different kinds of field at the same time if required. The force fields produced can take the form of shields that protect from physical, energy, nuclear, gaseous and explosive attacks.

Attached to his right wrist is a scanning device, that can detect any life form and analyse it from a distance of up to 12 kilometers. The collar he wears acts as a translating device and also allows him to survive in environments he hasn’t absorbed the DNA for.

Statistics: Strength-65, Agility-92, Speed – 92, Endurance – 72, Intelligence – 88, Charisma – 79

Origin: He was raised as an only child by his father who was the man that taught him all his tech knowledge. As  a child though, when running a simple errand he was kidnapped by slavers, to be sold for sordid tasks.

Being unaware of his power, each of the 7 men who took him had manhandled him at various points, unknowingly giving him their DNA. The DNA remodelling takes days, sometimes even weeks, so he was trapped on the slavers ship for some time with other slaves, whose DNA he made sure to absorb also. After the remodelling was complete, he was the fastest, strongest and toughest on the ship.

He freed the other slaves and took the vessel as his own. However after travelling so long and far, he had no idea where he was. Some of the slaves remained with him to crew the vessel, even though none of them knew how to navigate through the stars, but some were pilots. They now spend their days smuggling, Larcen is now notorious with the intergalactic authorities, but extremely hard to identify due to all the DNA remodelling.

Until next time. Keep Creating