My First Super Villain Part 2

WTF, beloved reader, it seems your friendly neighbourhood Rogue Advisor actually has a nemesis. After the copyright vindication event from ‘My First Super Villain’, I continue to be harangued.

This is how yours truly depicts his nemesis.

This is how yours truly depicts his nemesis. Somewhat similar, but on differing paths of morality.

There is of course the possibility I have contracted a rare case of multiple Super Villains; whom may gang up on me Sinister Six style and give me a hard time of it like poor old Spidey.He seems to spend more time getting his ass kicked than kicking ass, then ends up running to the Fantastic Four for help. I feel for the web slinger, I really do, but I don’t want to spend a single day filling his shoes.

Weird thing is, shortly after the copyright incident Google warned me that my Gmail account had been hacked into, and bizarrely, the only messages this fiend messed with were all the entries for the ‘No Disintegrations’ competition. The saboteur deleted all of them, yet left untouched emails containing sensitive personal information bar the one below. That means, regrettably, that I will not be able to add the other 671 to the ‘Original Character Database’.

Any of my beloved reader’s creations that are not in the database will be added if you would be so kind as to resend them. Google assure me the Gmail account is now safe. It is also clear, that while my villain is trying to destroy L.U.F.A.S with filthy underhanded tactics, he is also trying to rob me!

Trying to steal from a real rogue!

The circled section, is what was stolen from me.

The circled section, is what was stolen from me. £310.50! The Gaul!


WTF Rogue Advisor!

Fear not, beloved reader, for every bullet this cad fires at me simply re-establishes my invulnerability to such poorly applied larceny

And thanks to the clue in the attempted theft, I won't have to go far for it.

And thanks to the clue in the attempted theft, I won’t have to go far for it.

All funds, thanks to my rather efficient and helpful bank staff, have been returned and a fraud investigation is on the hunt for my nemesis. I’m not too sure if I want them to catch him or not.

Mayhaps my own brand of vigilante justice will be the required vindication. Your friendly neighbourhood Rogue Advisor doesn’t mind getting red to the elbow bringing down villains.

In  his villainous arrogance, he left a damming clue; the money was taken by a company, that I assume my nemesis works for, (even Super Villains have day jobs, they need a lot of dough to cover the expense of all that ostentatious clothing and minion’s wages), in Southend-On-Sea, a vile and abhorrent seaside town, filled with cutthroats, bandits and hoodlums. Perfect territory for a villain to recruit like-minded evil doers.

This is what the abominable seaside town looks like. It has the longest pier in the world. Not that anyone gives 2 f**ks.

This is what the abominable seaside town looks like. It has the longest pier in the world. Not that anyone gives 2 f**ks.


so what’s your plan?

I have a good idea who is actually inconveniencing me, I won’t name them here, that’d give the game away, eh?

In the meanwhile, I will add my vision of my nemesis to the ‘Original Character Database’. Whoever they are, they earned it.

Until next time. Stay on your guard.


My First Super Villain

It seems, beloved reader, whilst your friendly neighbourhood Rogue Advisor was thoroughly researching for the next article, I came across the eighth sin of plagiarism! Blogging for mere months and I already have a nemesis, a villain to oppose, an arch-enemy even.

The Audacity of the Cad, Cur and Vagabond 

Some unoriginal mewling quim, has copied and pasted my posts, and declared them to be theirs. There is honour amongst rogues, (I Should know being one), an unbreakable code of behaviour like the Bro-code. Thus, to put a stop to this I present, something I loath to do, a legally binding document.

Yup, fool. That's right. Level Up has been copyrighted since day one.  I could spend a day in court with you, that would have a very satisfactory outcome.

Yup, fool. That’s right. Level Up has been copyrighted since day one.
I could spend a day in court with you, that would have a very satisfactory outcome.

In an uncharacteristic act of mercy, your friendly neighbourhood Rogue Advisor will not track you down and get red to the elbow, beating seven shades of s**t out of you, nor will I take legal action. Yet. I won’t even name and shame you.

But you will remove all of the plagiarized posts by the end of today GMT time, so wherever you are on this globe you may have to do some pretty fast math and /or post removal. Consider this an act of kindness on my part, as I’m actually kinda flattered; mimicry is the highest form of it after all.

This is the document I would have prefered to present at the beginning of this post

Nuff said.

Nuff said. Dammit, now my beloved readers know my secret identity. See the trouble you’ve caused.
Put me so out of sorts with rage I scanned my Diploma all wonky.

You know who you are; take my work of your substandard excuse for a blog

Until day’s end. Keep deleting